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The Healthy Lifestyle Tips Every Student Needs

A 2013 poll by Gallup (a multinational analytics and advisory company based in Washington, D.C.) of nearly 500,000 public school students found that “the more years students spend in school, the more disengaged they become” (Busteed, 2013, p. 3).

When students are not engaged in their education, it means low academic success. 

When students are not engaged in their education, it means low academic success. 

No one wants to spend years going to school or have their child spend years in school and ultimately earn very little if anything. 

That’s why, in this post, we’re providing the healthy lifestyle tips every student needs to maximize the benefits of thier (or if you’re a parent, your child’s) time in school.

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Like ensuring you eat Real Food, you must be physically and mentally well to do things.

Being healthy and having good mental health is vital to you doing or achieving anything in life. 

These are the ways you could start right now: 

  • Take care of yourself by practicing good hygiene and self-care.

  • Book regular check-ups with your doctor to stay healthy.

  • Walk or bike instead of driving when you can.

  • Make your workspace comfortable and ergonomic.

  • Keep your body moving because constantly sitting/standing comes with its problems.

  • Talk to someone if you're feeling low.

  • Relax outdoors to destress and connect with nature.

  • Practice mindfulness during your commute for relaxation.

  • Join campus wellness programs for support and community.

For Parents

You want to encourage your child to stay sitting in the classroom all day but to go outside and play with friends whenever possible.

At home, you should teach them stress management techniques like deep breathing and drawing or writing about their feelings.

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Whether you’re a student or not, many of us neglect this tip when busy, even though it fuels us.

Eating Real Food is essential, especially for students. 

Remember these facts when you’re grocery shopping:

For Parents

We have a whole post to teach you how to effortlessly add Real Food into your child’s life. 5 Key Reasons You Should Know The Importance Of Food For Kids

RELATED POST: How to lose weight with Real Food

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Not getting quality sleep can affect your academic performance, especially during exam days, when your lack of sleep can literally make you write your name as the answer to every question. 

Here are some tips:

  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine and sleep schedule.

  • Create a relaxing sleep environment free of distractions. 

  • Practice stress relief techniques like journaling and breathing before falling asleep.

For Parents

Setting up a consistent bedtime routine will create a calm sleeping environment for your child.

It would make getting them to bed more manageable for you. 

Make sure they have proper bedding and lighting, and help them manage any stress before bed by encouraging them to talk about their feelings and offering support.

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Strong social connections and support are core parts of being human, and everyone, no matter where they’re from, must have them. 

As a student, you want to build this through the following: 

  • Fostering your relationships with family, friends, and community members by prioritizing quality time with them and maintaining open communication.

  •  Participate in group activities or volunteer opportunities.

For Parents

As a parent, you should help your child build solid social connections by facilitating opportunities for them to connect with their classmates and peers through playdates and extracurricular activities. 

You should also encourage them to participate in community service projects or clubs, listen to them, and offer support when they encounter social challenges or conflicts.

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Learning doesn’t ever stop in the classroom, and continuous learning expands your mind and perspective.

Personal development enhances self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills.

Together, these two make you a more well-rounded person who’s better equipped to navigate and deal with life’s challenges and relationships.

To achieve this, you should: 

  • Set goals for personal and professional development.

  • Seek out learning opportunities like workshops, courses, or seminars.

  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for you to grow and build resilience.

For Parents

Please encourage your child to explore new interests, pursue hobbies or activities they enjoy, and provide them with the necessary resources.

 You should also help your child foster a growth mindset by praising effort and perseverance when they face challenges.

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Having a goal without managing your time is like trying to go somewhere you’ve never been without directions.

When it comes to time management as a student, you should:

  • Prioritize tasks and allocate time effectively.

  • Set achievable goals and track your progress regularly.

  • Establish routines and minimize distractions to improve your productivity. 

For Parents

Teach your child time management skills like making to-do lists and setting priorities. 

You should create schedules or calendars to help them manage their responsibilities and celebrate their accomplishments and milestones to reinforce effective time management habits.

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Having digital wellness is part of having good mental health. 

This is what you can do:

  • Set boundaries for screen time and prioritize offline activities.

  • Practice mindful use of technology and take regular breaks.

  • Create tech-free zones and times to promote balance and reduce screen time.

For Parents

Establish family rules and agreements regarding screen time limits and device use with your child. 

You being an example by limiting your own screen time and engaging in screen-free activities is one of the best ways to teach your child digital wellness. 

It would be best if you coupled with this monitoring their activities online and providing them guidance on safe and responsible internet use. 

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Usually, during your journey as a student and almost definitely throughout your life, you will encounter people from different cultures and backgrounds, so it’s important to have an awareness of culture and diversity. 

This would make dealing with everyone around you much smoother and more manageable. 

Here are some ways to get started: 

  • Learn about different cultures and traditions through books, media, or community events.

  • Engage in conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion with family and friends.

  • Participate in safe activities or initiatives that promote cultural understanding and appreciation. 

For Parents

Expose your child to diverse cultures and traditions through books, media, and traveling (if possible), and discuss respecting and valuing differences in people’s backgrounds and experiences. 

It would help if you encouraged them to explore their cultural heritage while appreciating others’ backgrounds.

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Curiosity is a great thing, and it’s how much of what we know and enjoy today started. 

  • Encourage yourself to be curious and experiment in areas of your interest.

  • Explore creative outlets like writing and crafting. 

For Parents

As a parent, you should provide your child with access to resources for creative expression and exploration. 

Support their interests by attending events or classes related to their hobbies. 

Also, a supportive environment will encourage them to pursue their passions and try new things.

Tips for Highschoolers

High school can be overwhelming, but there are simple ways to use these nine tips to stay on top of things.

Use breaks between classes or after school to walk around the school and practice mindfulness exercises to help you relax and destress.

Doing things with friends or a group helps you stay consistent and motivated.

Remember, it's okay to contact a school counselor if you're stressed.

Tips for College Students

Planning meals and setting realistic goals can help manage your workload.

Remember to tap into campus resources for academic and financial support, and consider applying for scholarships, joining clubs, or finding part-time work to ease stress and meet new people.

Tips for Adult Learners

It isn't easy to incorporate these nine healthy lifestyle tips for students with all the responsibilities like spouse, kids, and work waiting for you as an adult student, but you could make it work.

Try involving your family in cooking and other things that you do and need to help you manage stress.

And don't hesitate to ask for help from them or friends with household tasks so you can focus on your studies.

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When we look for tips to get the most out of our education, we usually get generic ones, which are excellent. Tips like embracing cultural and diversity awareness seem unrelated to getting an education, but they make a big difference in your academic success and personal development in the long run.

Take the Next Step: Learning requires a good attention span and if you're struggling with yours, check out this mini post next on How To Fix Your Attention Span.

We’d Love To Hear From You: What type of student are you, and how have these tips helped you academically?

Stay Connected: To know more about how changing your food can change your life, sign up for the M2oo Newsletter, which delivers Real Food and Real Health information straight to your inbox.

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