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Iron Rich Foods That Help Relive Your Period Symptoms

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Are you tired, lazy, moody, feeling low and depressed, and sometimes even thinking of having your uterus surgically removed? These are the feelings many of us go through when we have our periods.

We don't just go through them; these symptoms also cause us to miss out on essential parts of our lives, like school or work. Your PERIOD SHOULD NOT BE DEBILITATING AND IS NOT NORMAL FOR IT TO BE DEBILITATING (please remember this).

We will tell you the foods rich in iron that can help you with these symptoms because some of the discomfort you are going through is the loss of iron from the bleeding. We'll also tell you how to eat these foods correctly. Following that, we'll explain to you the things people do when eating iron-rich foods that you shouldn't do if you want your body to absorb them well.

As a bonus, there are a few extra tips and tricks that not many people talk about, but they can help you get almost instant relief from a lot of cramping. Some of them can replace your Tylenol and Advils (which help relieve symptoms but cause other problems to your stomach in the background).

Here are the foods rich in iron that help relieve your period symptoms 👇 .

Foods High in Iron For Period

  1. Crucifeurous Vegetables

  2. Red Meat

  3. Seafood

  4. Lentils & Beans

  5. Nuts & Seeds

  6. Dark Chocolate

  7. Cinnamon

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Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, collard greens, arugula, and Brussels sprouts.

Eating these can relieve your symptoms because they help lower the estrogen levels in your body (estrogen causes inflammation and is one of the primary reasons you get cramping).

How to eat it

There is a general rule about food: the more you cook it, the less nutrients it will contain, but sometimes cooking is needed to make it easier for the stomach to digest.

Combine eating these vegetables both raw (to get the maximum nutrients) and lightly cooked (e.g., lightly steaming or sautéing). We recommend adding them to your meals a few days before your period begins to get a head start before the crampings.

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Red meat has many different nutrients that help your body, but iron and zinc are essential for periods. The iron enables you to prevent anemia, which can worsen your fatigue and other period symptoms, and the zinc helps reduce inflammation, which can help you relieve some of your other symptoms.

How to eat it

Add red meat to your meals, but pair it with vitamin C-rich vegetables (e.g., bell peppers or broccoli) because your body also needs vitamin C to absorb iron fully. Don’t forget this. Check the end of the list for what you shouldn’t eat with iron.

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Salmon, oysters, sardines, tuna, and cod liver oil (not seafood but made from it) are part of the seafood group that helps you with period symptoms. These foods have omega-3, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. They also have magnesium, which helps alleviate cramps and muscle tension and relax spasms.

How to eat it

Pair the seafood with vitamin D (mushrooms, eggs, etc) because the vitamin D will help your body absorb the magnesium better.

Also, remember the rule: Don’t cook your seafood too much to retain these nutrients. Choose methods like grilling, baking, or steaming.

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Lentils and beans contain a lot of iron, which helps prevent anemia; magnesium, which helps relieve cramping; and fiber, which can help regulate hormones.

How to eat it

For optimal nutritional benefits, start by soaking your lentils before cooking. This simple step reduces anti-nutrients and enhances the absorption of iron and other beneficial elements.

You want to cook thoroughly but not excessively. Pair the beans and lentils with vitamin C-rich foods (e.g., bell peppers, tomatoes, or citrus fruits) to help your body absorb them. Add oils like avocado oils to improve your absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Check the end of the list for the things you should not pair with them.

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Different types of nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds, almonds, flaxseeds, walnuts, chia seeds, and sunflower seeds have one or more of the following: omega-3 fatty acids (helps reduce inflammation), magnesium (reduces muscle cramps), fiber (helps in hormone regulation), and iron (prevents iron deficiency anemia).

How to eat it

Don’t roast them so you can get the maximum amount of nutrients they have and combine them with fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C (to help you better absorb iron), foods with vitamin D (to absorb the magnesium), and foods with fat (e.g., cheese, full-fat yogurt, olive oil, or avocado oil to enhance overall nutrient absorption). Fiber is bulky, so you should drink water with these to help the fiber easily pass through your system.

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Dark chocolate helps reduce your muscle cramps and tension with magnesium, helps with anemia through iron, helps with inflammation through antioxidants, and has theobromine, which can help improve your mood.

How to eat it

Pair it with fats (e.g., nuts) or vitamin C-rich fruits (e.g., strawberries or oranges) to help better absorb the nutrients it provides.

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Cinnamon is fantastic for periods because it acts like ibuprofen but without the stomach side effects.

Cinnamon reduces inflammation, which can relieve pain. It also relaxes uterine muscles, reducing cramps. It helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing mood swings and fatigue.

How to eat it

There are many ways to include it in your food. Still, one of the easiest ways you can do right now is to boil about a cup of water, put in 2 or 3 cinnamon sticks, let it simmer for a few minutes, turn off the heat, let it seep into the water for a bit, and then drink.

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Here are the things you SHOULDN’T do if you want to absorb the iron in the foods you eat:

  • Eat foods with high calcium simultaneously or within 2 hours of having iron.

  • Drink beverages with tannins (e.g., tea or coffee) simultaneously or within 2 hours of having iron.

  • Eating a high-fiber meal with the iron.

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And these are the things you should do when eating iron-rich foods:

  • Pair it with vitamin C-rich foods.

  • (Optional) When possible, cook with a cast iron pan so the iron from the pan gets into your food.

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These tips and tricks are usually only known by period veterans:

  • Ginger (take it the way you can, but not too much) - helps with nausea

  • Hot liquids and keeping warm (try it for yourself) - help ease the pain

  • Cold drinks and being cold can make it worse

Products like this portable heating pad/massager👇 make keeping warm much easier.

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Period cramps can ruin your whole day, but correctly preparing and eating the foods we talked about, like cinnamon and fish, can help you get through them.

Take the Next Step: Now that you know about foods rich in iron to relieve your period symptoms, check out the post List Of Foods High In Iron Every Anemic Person Should Eat to learn how to combat anemia.


Share With Us: Which foods did you try? Do you have other tips? Drop them in the comments below.

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