5 Reasons Why The Importance Of Food For Kids Ensures Success

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REAL FOODS are the main reason kids grow to their best, and that’s why you need to know about the importance of food for kids.

A lot happens when a child is growing up, and all of these things need REAL FOODS for the child to grow without any major health problems.

We know the benefits of eating REAL FOODS, and we know how much more important it is for a constantly growing child.

These are why you must know the top 5 reasons for the importance of food for kids so you can help your child reach their maximum potential through the stages of their life.


1. Growing And Developing Properly


The #1 most important thing happening constantly in your child's life is that they are continually growing.

You may have experienced this too many times when you buy a shirt this month, and it's already too tight by next month. You can see how fast everything is happening.

Ensuring you're giving your child REAL FOOD is even more critical during these times.

REAL FOOD is all regular foods that would not disappear or change if electricity stopped tomorrow.

If it takes more than a paragraph and with multiple different words you can’t understand to explain to you on a basic level what the food is and where it comes from, it’s not REAL.

During this stage of life, your child's bones, muscles, organs, height, and weight are getting bigger and bigger.

For everything to become strong and adequately work, you must give them REAL FOOD; this way, things flow nicely without any complications.

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Want to choose fresh ingredients, store them correctly, and use top cooking tips as a beginner but like a pro? The Food Book is perfect for anyone looking to simplify their home cooking.


2. Building Immunity


The immune system in our bodies helps us fight off sickness.

Some of the most vulnerable times in a person's life, when they can quickly get sick, are when they're a child, a senior, or going through a significant body change like pregnancy or chemo, for example.


Since your child is constantly growing, their immune system has yet to develop fully.

You want to make sure they get things like antioxidants and probiotics from the foods they eat so that their immune system develops the way it should to keep your child from constantly being in and out of the hospital for minor illnesses throughout their life.

3. Getting A Sharper Mind


You would think that eating REAL FOOD is only essential for your child's body, but it has a massive impact on your child's memory, concentration, and even school performance.

If you notice your child's school performance dropping, one of the first things you should check is what and how they eat daily.

The problem could be anything from overeating sugar to not getting enough omega-3 because they need to eat more fish to not getting the right amount of protein from meat.

RELATED POST: 7 Top Fish To Eat For Better Brain Health



4. Making Lifelong Habits


Another thing you want to keep in mind is that when you give your child REAL FOOD, they will understand that these are the foods that help them feel and do their best.

Many adults now struggle to eat proper food because we’re so hooked on foods our bodies don’t know or understand (foods that aren’t food…the lab-made things).

Because of this, many of us have illnesses.

Remember that even if they don’t speak yet, kids copy what they see, and you’ll be surprised by how much they take in just by seeing you do things around them.


The main thing that feeding your child REAL FOOD does is prevent them from being low on the vitamins and minerals they need.

For example, perhaps your child isn't getting enough iron, so their hair grows out very weak and thin without you realizing why.

Being low on iron is very common in a lot of kids.

The good news is that when you give your child REAL FOODS, you don't have to write on your calendar, "My child needs iron today," for example.

All REAL FOOD have multiple vitamins and minerals packed in one, so as long as he/she is eating REAL FOOD, it's actually very hard for them to miss anything.

RELATED POST: List Of Foods High In Iron Every Anemic Person Should Eat


Food Health Tips For Kids


Here are some food health tips for kids you want to follow to make sure your child is getting what they need:

  • Try to make sure they are eating different types of foods weekly (meat, fish, chicken, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and grains).

  • Mix and match with different kid-friendly recipes you find online.

  • Meal planning is a great way to organize your meals so you don’t feel overwhelmed when it’s time to eat, and there are so many great products out there that can help you with this, like the one below.


Kids Meal Planner | Simple Daily Food Intake Tracker 

  • give your child regular REAL SNACKS

  • Keep tabs with your child’s doctor to ensure they get everything they need and are not low on anything.

  • Don’t forget to remind your child to drink water when thirsty because water helps our bodies absorb nutrients. 

  • Set an example for your child by eating REAL FOOD yourself.

    It not only helps your child but also helps you be at your best in most areas of your life; when your body is doing well, you are doing well.

  • If your child is a picky eater, you want to be creative with the food you give them (maybe by making drawings with the food, asking them to help you when you’re preparing meals or when you’re meal planning, or celebrating with them small victories); the key is to gradually expose them to the foods they are picky about and make the food fun for them; so they feel more eager to eat it.

  • Pay attention to any complaints of pain or discomfort your child tells you and monitor when and how often they complain so you can be aware and ahead of anything just in case (and don’t hesitate to let your child’s doctor know).

  • Above all, DON’T FORGET TO STAY CALM AND BE PATIENT; change happens, and things take time.



  • Alongside implementing the strategies we've discussed, it's important to remember that you, as a parent, have the power to do the following:

    Teach your child to think critically about the ads they see by sitting with them to analyze the ads together and asking them critical questions about them (e.g., "What do you think about this ad?" "What do you think they are trying to tell you?" "Is their message a good thing or bad?"). Questioning and discussing with them like this is an easy way to guide them to the right way of seeing food marketing. This is also a fantastic way to help them understand why they don't need 'that new thing' they saw online that they want.

    Limit the number of ads they see through screen time control and similar means. Since ads target people's psychology, sometimes, it might not be enough to teach them to think critically.

    As a parent, try to be on the lookout for policies and regulations in your area that you can support to help make a change (just like parents in the past decade fought for things like expiration dates on food, for example). Add to this trying to stay informed on the latest products and marketing tactics for children.

  • Some signs include:

    Poor growth and development (e.g., stunted growth or developmental delays)

    Fatigue and low energy (e.g., persistent tiredness or weakness)

    Skin issues (e.g., pallor, dry or scaly skin, dermatitis or eczema, or brittle nails)

    Hair problems (e.g., hair loss, dry or dull hair)

    Dental issues (e.g., delayed tooth eruption or tooth decay)

    Digestive problems (e.g., decreased appetite, extreme pickiness)

    Muscle and bone issues (e.g., muscle cramps, bone pain, or weakness)

    Vision problems (e.g., night blindness or dry eyes, but keep in mind that on some level, some vision problems can be typical for your child, for example, things like being near or far-sighted and needing glasses )

    Frequent illness

    Behavioral Changes (e.g., irritability and mood swings, difficulty concentrating, but keep in mind on some level, it's natural for children to get easily distracted)

  • As children grow, they do need specific food. Still, other than infancy and being a toddler and preschooler, everything at different ages can be the same depending on your child, their particular needs, and their healthcare provider's recommendations.

    It's important for parents to familiarize themselves with the natural process of breastfeeding during infancy. This includes understanding how to manage various aspects such as feeding frequency, quantity, and the use of related products.

    The next stage is learning when to introduce solid foods based on the child's needs and the health recommendations given by the child's medical caretaker.

    When children transition into toddlers and preschoolers, they typically eat the regular, high-variety foods they need to get all the nutrients and minerals necessary for their growth and development.

  • In our ebook, Sweet Death, we discuss this in full detail, offering tips and easy ways to mitigate it.

  • When it comes to children's allergies, they're treated the same as adults, except it's your role as a parent to actively clear the way for your child to prevent them from falling into any health complications:

    1. First, a healthcare provider must accurately identify the allergy and guide you on

    2. Educate yourself and your child about allergens, how to read food labels, and the importance of avoiding trigger foods when adjusting your life.

    3. Create a safe eating environment at home and inform teachers and caregivers about the allergy.

    4. Carefully read labels regularly and prepare safe alternatives.

    5. Be prepared for emergencies with an action plan and necessary medications.

    6. Communicate with restaurant staff and bring safe food when dining out.

    7. Connect with support groups to support your child emotionally and stay informed about the latest research and recommendations.

  • Engaging in this activity can have a profound impact on your child, both emotionally and mentally.

    It can help the child in these ways:

    family bonding

    enhancing communication skills

    reducing behavioral problems

    increasing the child's vocabulary

    Mental health improvement and reducing stress (the child's and everyone's day will usually be part of the topic of discussion, which is an excellent chance for the parents to guide them with dealing with others socially, processing life, and knowing how to carry themselves throughout their life)

    Builds a better relationship with food (the child sees and understands that food is something to be respected, bonded over, and enjoyed without rush, and this helps reduce their risk of eating disorders)

    Instills cultural traditions and family values into the children as they develop

  • If your child eats lunch provided by their school, you must know what the menu serves. Unfortunately, many school lunch programs are run by companies whose interests are more on profits than the value of the meals they serve the next generation.

    Teach your child about the food served on the school menu, which options are good, which combinations are good (it's not just about what you eat, but how you eat it is just as necessary for your digestion and well-being), and which options might be better to let go of. Help them understand the value of their decisions when deciding what they eat at school or outside of home.

    This communication will help them understand the role food plays in their life and how it will affect them now and in the future.





Since we don’t know and pay attention to the what, how, and benefits/harms of what we eat, we tend to pass these mindsets onto the next generation without realizing it. Knowing why food is essential for a child’s success helps them and us because it pushes us to set an example from which our bodies benefit.

Take the Next Step: To start paying attention to what you eat and to understand the what, how, and benefits/harms of your food, begin by understanding some of the common food myths many of us keep believing, which are setting us back.. Check out 10 Common Food Myths Anyone Who Eats Should Know next.

Your Turn: What’s your top priority for your child when it comes to food?

Stay Connected: To know more about how changing your food can change your life, sign up for the M2oo Newsletter, which delivers Real Food and Real Health information straight to your inbox.

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Want to choose fresh ingredients, store them correctly, and use top cooking tips as a beginner but like a pro? The Food Book is perfect for anyone looking to simplify their home cooking.


…simplifying REAL FOOD & REAL LIVING for 21st-century adults. Real Solutions to Real Problems.


10 Common Food Myths Anyone Who Eats Should Know


List Of Foods High In Iron Every Anemic Person Should Eat